Waiting . . . Waiting . . . Waiting . . .

There is a lot of waiting in trying to get your work seen. You send something to someone and either you don’t hear anything, and you tell yourself you just have to wait, or there is a date given to you at which you will be informed if your work is accepted or not. You have to talk yourself into waiting day after day. Sort of like, you’re not going to die if you don’t get it, so count your blessings. You tread water for 3 weeks, then they tell you that there has been a delay and you won’t hear for another three weeks, that’s tough. You trick yourself by working on another project, but you know what you’re up to, so it doesn’t work that well as a distracting device.

That’s where I am with my latest plays. The previous date was May 1, which is Sunday, but they told us due to the larger volume of submissions — great news —more competitors — the pushed back the acceptance date to the 15th. So, more treading water.

I’m working on another play, but it doesn’t work too well as a distracting device, since I know exactly what I am up to.


I still hate waiting


The Way Forward—a Poem